
Captain Gnarkill Media is a photography company specializing in aerial photos and videos by drone. Captain Gnarkill Media was created by Southern Californian, Nick Sanders. Growing up in Southern, Nick grew up interested in drawing and painting, inspired by the culture and local scenery. When he wasn't creating art he enjoys time outside swimming and playing waterpolo. His love for water quickly transitioned into a passion for surfing which he still enjoys today.

Also at a young age Nick was introduced to the off-road/4wheel drive community. This passion for hitting trails in a variety of 4wheel drive vehicles over the years brought on the urge to document his adventures through pictures and video. In 2007 Nick started a Youtube Channel giving birth to the 'Captain Gnarkill' brand. He created the company Captain Gnarkill Media using his knowledge in media and cameras to take pictures and video of homes for the ever growing real estate market.